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Healing Stones

Get closer to God by expanding your understanding and knowledge of Spirituality, Spiritualism, and Mediumship.

Image by Andrew Neel

Find Your Pieces Of The Puzzle

Writer's picture: Brad PerdueBrad Perdue

Many, many years ago, I felt like a stranger looking for my tribe. I had always known of those who were about me without bones or skin. They radiated a higher vibration and left me with glowing energy when we connected. Has it ever happened to you? Those powerful connections leave a permanent mark on your soul that leaves you wondering how, who, and what… encouraging you to know more????

Knowing was not accepted in my initial clan and that conflict took a bit of refitting about what is true to my inner knowing. How to be a part of something that didn’t feel right is a challenge. Asking hard questions led me to those who were on the fringes of the knowledge I sought. This awareness opened up an expansive network of “spirit

readers” who in friendship gave amazing insights into how they viewed the different levels of the spirit world. Astrologers, card readers numerologists, palm readers, artists, the full array of sincere inspired individuals who brought interesting elements of the greater universe. It was like a treasure hunt each giving me a prized piece of my life’s puzzle.

Collectively these pieces along with the need for healing led me to a religion called spiritualism. Amazing how the foundational pieces of this religion fit my way of thinking and believing. I had found a match to what I knew to be true for me – a science, philosophy, and religion of continuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of mediumship, with those who live in the Spirit


When I first started attending spiritualist church services and seances it became THE primary place for my connection to powerful and captivating energy. I had found my tribe. This is a common experience many spiritualists share when telling their stories. We are compelled to seek truth wherever it may lead us. Following our heart’s knowing allows us to find and gather in a sacred circle with others from all levels of the globe.

Over the many years while attending spiritualist church services I have always received warm welcoming smiles, healing energies, and personal communications from my spirit loved ones, ancestors, teachers, and guides over and over and over again. Sometimes I received a surprise visit from a forgotten friend, a just-in-time confirmation of recent choices, or a gentle nudge to move forward on an important decision, or … and the list goes on and on. All helpful, uplifting, kind, and important expressions meant to

encourage me to live my life in joy and abundance.

To see, talk with, and interact with my loving spirit allies was and still is as natural and life-giving as breathing. Every day I know that I am always connected to a loving creative energy that propels me in all that I seek to know, be and become. Should you wish to learn more about Spiritualism join us each week as we gather in a sacred circle to share stories and discover new truths.

Rev. Jackie Reeves

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